Tips To Help Improve Your Backyard Space In Function And Appearance

25 September 2018
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Your backyard space can provide you with a place to relax and enjoy nature and the mild weather, especially if you like to host backyard events and get-togethers with friends and family. The layout of your backyard with its features and vegetation growing within can either add to or detract from the space's usefulness and your enjoyment. Here are some tips you can use to make your backyard a more attractive space while making it more functional and easy to maintain.

Add a Water Feature to Your Roof Drainage

The gutters and downspouts delivering water from your roof to the ground below are built to be functional while not detracting from the appearance of your home by visually sticking out. However, you can build upon your home's gutters to create attractive water features while still keeping the water draining in the proper way to keep your home's interior dry.

By removing a gutter downspout from your roof, you can add a decorative rain chain in its place at the downspout opening in the gutter. A rain chain is a chain with a series of cups, bowls, or other small objects that will slow the flow of water as it falls from the gutter to the ground below.

You can find rain chains in a variety of materials and designs, but they all create a visual interest and bubbling noise while it is delivering water down to the soil. It is important to make sure you have a bed of gravel or another collection area below the rain chain to prevent erosion and saturation of the soil below.

Add a Bark Mulch to Landscaped Areas

Adding bark or another type of wood-chip mulch to your landscaped areas not only makes the appearance of your landscaping more uniform and rich in color, but it also helps the health of your soil and your vegetation. With a wood chip mulch covering the soil, you have fewer occurrences of weed growth, as it creates a protective barrier into the soil and reduces the chances of weed seed germination. If weed seeds do begin to grow, their root system is more shallow and the weeds are easier to pull when they are within wood chips.

Mulch also keeps the soil moist as it prevents evaporation to help your plants' health. And as the mulch breaks down and decomposes naturally over time, it adds nutrients back into the soil, which helps your plants remain more healthy and grow better.
