Upgrading Your Patio With A Cover
A patio cover is an upgrade that will be able to dramatically improve your ability to use your patio when the weather is extremely warm and sunny. When adding a patio cover to your house, there are several questions that will have to be addressed early during the planning process. Otherwise, you may be unable to maximize this improvement to your property.
What Features Can You Include With Your Patio Cover?
In addition to being able to provide you with shade, a patio cover can also provide other features as well. For example, you will be able to use this patio cover to provide you with air circulation by installing fans on the ceiling. Additionally, you will be able to install lights that can make it possible to use the patio during the overnight hours.
Will Installing A Patio Cover Add Stress To The Home's Roof?
A homeowner may assume that adding a patio cover will always put a lot of stress on their roof. This is often a result of them assuming that the roof will have to support the full weight of the patio cover. However, this is not necessary as it is possible to install supports that will be able to support most of the weight from the cover, and this can greatly reduce the risk of accidentally overstressing the roof with this upgrade. In addition to reducing the strain on the roof, these supports will also be able to help the patio cover remain in place during periods of high winds.
Can You Grill Out Under The Patio Cover?
It is often the case that individuals will want to use their patio as a place to grill. If you install a patio cover, you will want to be aware of the ways that this will impact your ability to use a grill on the patio. For example, you will need to ensure that the patio cover has enough clearance so that it will be unlikely to suffer damage from the smoke and heat that will rise from the grill. Additionally, ventilation will be necessary to avoid exposing yourself to the fumes from the fire. Luckily, there are ventilation systems that you can install that will be able to disperse these fumes and smoke so that the patio will still be a comfortable and safe place to be when the grill is being used. Due to this hazard, you should discuss this with your patio cover installation contractor to make sure you understand and appreciate the available options.